Celebrating Spring

It feels like Spring takes ages to arrive here in New England. I'd be lying if I said I was the most patient person around when it comes to weather. The truth is I am really good at loving New England when the weather is nice, but I'm not very good at embracing life here when it feels like 95% of our days are cold and wet. Late Winter and Spring have been quite a challenge for me this year, because for most of April and May we've seen a whole lot of cold and rainy and not a lot of sun.

And let's be real ... it's Memorial Day weekend. This is the weekend you're supposed to spend at the pool and around the grill. While I'm thankful that the sun has decided to re-appear for the weekend, with temps in the upper 60s and low 70s, it's not exactly pool-worthy weather. But it seems we're here to stay a while, so I'm trying to do my best to embrace each day as it comes. Celebrating the good that happens in each season - cherishing the sunny days and being creative with the not-so-sunny ones.

I've found that gardening is one of the things that brings me most joy these days. There's something about gardening that helps me celebrate the season that we are in. It gives me a way to use my hands. It gives me an excuse to get outside. And it reminds me that everything takes time to grow and become plentiful.

So today I'm celebrating Spring by planting seeds. Summer squash, winter squash, green beans, and lots and lots of flower seeds. And when the cold rain comes again this week, I will give thanks for the drops as they water my seeds that will eventually become food on our table.

Welcome to the New Look!

Welcome to the new Soul Munchies!

Many of you know I started this site some years ago as a safe place to wrestle with questions of faith and daily life. Since the birth of this site, I've been through a divorce, re-marriage, a couple of job transitions, several transitions between faith communities, the birth of two children, the purchase and sale of a house we loved dearly, and a huge move from Atlanta - the city we have called home for most of our lives to the Boston-area - a new, very big, very unfamiliar one.

After only a few months in the big city of Boston, we found ourselves longing for a quiet, small town life. We stumbled upon the town of Acton, Massachusetts, where we bought an updated 1950's ranch with a huge yard and tons of potential. Each one of these transitions has shaped me in some way, and has also had fingerprints in the creation and evolution of Soul Munchies. 

With this new redesign, I bring to you a new mission: to explore what it looks like to live simply, faithfully, and seasonally. Although there are exceptions, you'll find that most posts fall into one of three categories: Food, Faith, or Family. These are my three passions, and are the things I devote most of time to, so is only fitting that they are what I write about.

I am so glad you've decided to stop by and I can't wait to get to know each of you a little better!