Where We Read This Month: December 2022

While November brought the change of weather, December brought Winter in full force. This was a month of reading under blankets by the fire.

I had aspirations to start the month off with a week or two of regular lessons. We started a new book for Geography: Seabird by Holland C. Holling.

It wasn’t long before I abandoned my lesson plans and decided we would just sit on the couch and read Christmas books all month instead.

We read in the morning, snuggled under blankets and the pup.

We read in the afternoon, when the sun set at 4:10pm. Sometimes it was hard to choose what book to read from the massive stack on the coffee table.

When the temperature was -6° outside and 54° inside the house when they woke up, they read by the fireplace. Apparently the dog bed makes a great reading seat.

Leo climbed onto my lap when I sat down to read my book club book.

Every. Single. Time.

I think he might have been upset that I took his favorite reading spot.

We celebrated his first birthday this month. In the ten months that he’s lived with us, he’s decided being on the couch when he read is his very favorite place to be.

He really loved listening to A Christmas Carol while I worked on crocheting a scarf.

Sometimes I read the latest Jodi Picoult on the couch in the afternoon when everyone else was busy with something else.

Once, I got caught reading while grinding coffee in my pajamas.

Two days before Christmas we had a terrible wind and rainstorm that kept us inside all day. Leo and I took the opportunity to start a new book.

Three days later, I was still reading the same book. Leo was still laying in basically the same spot.

Christmas came and went. Our book choices shifted from Christmas tales to memoir and biography.

We mostly spent the month right here in the living room. Books in hand and dog never out of sight.

But I did get to spend quite a few hours at the end of the year reading in the local library while the youngest was at gymnastics.

And tonight, as the world ushers in the new year, I’m snuggled into bed nice and tight with a cup of tea and Book of the Month and Goodreads best book of the year.